Making money online is a useful tool for improving personal income and overall being. There are thousands of helpful sites online that provide ways to help online users simply make more income. Yet like many sites, there are a lot that claim to provide a lot of money to users with only a simple portion of their time and money. Online users in search of a "get rich quick" scheme are often ready and willing to get scammed by these cheesy money forums and suffer from the results of profiting more money than they actually get back and let's face it.....we all do this at some time. When making money online there a few simple and easy rules that gain a profitable income without being fished into these pools on online tricks and scams.


Reason (Risky) - Many online sites offer users a valuable opportunity to make money by simply using words like "Don't miss out" or "Join the thousands of people making $500 online now!". These tactical words are way of getting desperate people to join their site, then get faced with a membership fee.

(FACT) - Online sites that offer money in exchange for money should throw up a red flag immediately. The reason they require money up front for their membership is because it is their main purpose of even having the site, not to help anyone actually make money. Sure they might actually offer you some tools that can help you somewhat, but the fact of the matter is that only a small percentage of people actually profit more than a few dollars a week.

Another reason not to trust membership offers is that once you've signed up and give them your information, you are allowing them to charge a fee each month (depending on their membership policies), and in return you end up losing more money than you could stand to make.


Many websites such as affiliate and survey sites that offer free membership, require you to give them your personal information such as your social secusecurity number. BEWARE! Once they've gotten this number they could turn out to be spyware company that can find your credit card information and bill you constantly for products you've never purchased and companies you've never heard of.


Throughout your online income journey, you will face many problems and tough times. This can become very tiring and you face many challenges, and can decrease your interest in pursuing it. Never give up on your hope and remember consistency in your efforts will soon pay off. In achieving consistensy in your efforts to making money follow these simple steps:

1) Stay focused
2) Keep a clear mind on targeting your goal
3) Remind yourself of why you need extra money
4) Stay on a straight path to your goal and never give up

Once you've gotten down these tips and rules, now you can begin the good part! Making money online and maintaining this goal adding more profit to your financial situation.

Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”

Making money online is another good alternative to a low income and in improving financial stability. Like many others, I too have fallen behind on the money train to success throughout my online search of trying to make a little extra income. I've encountered many troubling issues such as scheme sites that offer little help in gaining any money and have therefore have wanted to give up my search. One thing I have learned through years of experience in the online money making business is to never give up....under any circumstances.


When searching for opportunities and resources for making money online, I've found a number of resources that allow me to do so through many website based companies. These such websites helped me in my situation and can help others as well for example, ask yourself why you're searching for an online income oppurtunity and see if you fall into any of the below:

-financial hardship, debt or loss
-low income from a bad job
-needing extra money to pay of bills or make ends meet
-money for an overall state of well-being
If you fall into any of the categories above, then an online income is perfect for you to begin your journey on a happy and more fulfilling life and well being.


There are many online websites that offer a profitable income for anyone interested. Some offer more than others, yet by completing as many online income sites as possible, you could turn out to make more money than you could ever dream of. Joining many online sites that offer money for your work at home time could also help you change up your work, rather than getting bored with the same website over and over. Here are a few good and valuable ways of making money that have proven results:

1) Paid Online Surveys 

 There a many companies that pay common people a good amount of money for their opinions. These help companies know what consumers want and how to improve their businesses to better suit their needs. Online survey sites can offer up to $5-$75 a survey depending if you qualify to take it. Most surveys require only a percentage of people from each age group, race, and employment status.

-Survey Spot
-Send Earnings
-Opinion Outpost
-Valued Opinions
-My Survey
-Vindale Research

2) Blogging

For those who enjoy writing content on certain topics, blogging is a perfect way to generate more income. This is done by writing creative and descriptive content and posting it on blog sites. Making money this way includes using tools like google adsense and other CPA advertisements that pay you for getting website to their sites through banners.

3) Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when people promote products and information for a major busniss, to get more traffic and customers to theire sites. In return, affiliates earn a commission for each product they promoted. Thes commisions range anywhere from 20%-75% usually and is a very profitable source of income if you have a lot of time in marketing products. The only tool you will need is a website or blog and commonly promote the product by mentioning it, or creating a niche website.

-Ebay, Walmart, Sony, etc.

4) Freelancing

Like blogging, freelancers get paid by online sites for creating content that improve the site's business. Freelancers can work at their own pace for a job and earn money for doing jobs enlisted by the company. To become a good freelancer be sure to have a good resume. Resumes are generally required to show that you have some profession in your skills and they don't just hire anybody.

5) Youtube

Youtube is a growing epidemic in social culture these days, and users that get a major amount of views each day, earn a major oppurtunity for making money off their videos. Sign up to youtube and find their guidelines and policies for making money.

6) Mystery Shopper

Being a mystery shopper involves reviewing local businesses on their customer services, store cleaniless, and overall experience shopping. Mystery shoppers usually have to pay out of pocket for a small purchase, but get refunnded for their money and a little extra for each job they do.

7) Ebay or Craigslist

Becoming a vendor on ebay or craigslist can help make more money easily. Find some products to sell from your house, or buy in bulk wholesale items and sign up for an ebay or craigslist site. Using ebay, you pay a small product fee for each item you sell, as well as a picture fee of the item. With craigslist it's completely free to sell items which is a valuable alternative from ebay.

8) Google Adsense

Google Adsense and other CPA advertisements are online companies that offer money for promoting their site through banners. Simply sign up to a program and they provide you a banner in an html format that you copy and paste into your website or blog. You get paid per click and/or sell through the site which can be directly linked through pay pal or mail.

9) Crafting

Creating unique pieces of jewelry is another fun and easy way of making money online. You can personalize shoes, belts, hats, jewelry and t-shirts and find online sites that help you sell your items.
Once you've tried all these ways of making money, remember....stay consistent! It may take a few tries to completely solve your income status and it sometimes won't be as easy as you think. Alwasy say consistent and have a clear focus and mindset of what you want to accomplish....making more money. Hope thes tips helped, now get back on the road to making more income!

Affiliate Program ”Get Money from your Website”